Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chocolate and Honey---Makes You Want to Smack Somebody!

After dinner today, I was in the mood for dessert (as I often am). But not just ANY dessert…a dessert that, in the words of a dear friend, “MAKES YOU WANT TO SMACK SOMEBODY!” (Not literally of course. It’s just so delicious that it moves you to action! Such as the action of publishing it on a blog…J)

As you’ve probably already figured out, this combination is chocolate and honey.

And what goes better with chocolate than peanut butter? J And who doesn’t love a peanut butter and honey sandwich? So, “why not put the three ingredients together for a sweet surprise of flavor?” I thought to myself.

My mom goes crazy for chocolate covered honey comb. I always thought the combination was a little strange, but today, out of necessity for a new dessert, I thought I’d give it a try. The only difference is that I used dark chocolate, and since this dessert is not from a package, I know exactly what I’m putting into my mouth. No strange ingredients that I can’t pronounce. J


Get a spoon of peanut butter, drizzle some honey over it, and dip in that rich piece of dark chocolate over and over.

Escape into that bliss that you see in the commercials for Godiva chocolate...


Phillip Ingram said...

Susie, this looks great, I'm going to have to try it and hopefully I won't 'smack anyone'. :-)


Susie said...

Thanks, Phil! I just made my recipe for krispie-squares with chocolate and honey last night, so I will bring them for you to try this morning. :)

Unknown said...

Ouch! Phillip, why did you just smack me???

Phillip Ingram said...

Bcuz her chocolate and honey made me do it. Wait until you taste it, you just better not be near anyone :~)