Saturday, March 26, 2011

5 Ways to "Jazz Up" Your Cereal

Same time. Same morning. Same cereal.


Why eat the SAME thing EVERY morning when you can eat the SAME thing EVERY morning, but jazzed up? J Doesn’t make sense? As a one of my best friends always says, there’s a method to my madness (usually it’s his madness, though…).

Try one of the following suggestions to change up your morning cereal routine:

Add fruit – banana slices, chopped apples, fresh or frozen berries, etc. Or dried fruit – raisins, cherries (my personal favorite), cranberries, etc.

Add nuts – slivered or whole almonds, walnuts, pecans cashews.

Try a different milk – soy, almond, rice, hemp---you can find every milk under the sun these days.

Mix two different cereals – a fairly simple cereal based on grains, such as wheat, corn, rice, or bran will mix well with a sweater cereal. This way, you still can eat your favorite cereal, but cut down on the sugar, and keep the milk white. J

Make it hot – oatmeal, grits, buckwheat, or even brown rice taste delicious with fruits, nuts, and milk.

So, how will you jazz up your cereal?

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