Monday, March 18, 2013

The Master Cleanse: Clean Those Pipes!

Well, it's that time of year...SPRINGTIME! Which means it's time for SPRING CLEANING! And when I say cleaning, I mean: out your body!! ;)

Most of us have heard of the so called "Master Cleanse." I've known of it for years...I think the first time I talked with someone who was on it, I was 14. 

Any-who, my uncle, who is now doing this cleanse for the 3rd time over the past few years, is on his 26th day today! He cleanses for 30 DAYS! So, I'm thinking, why can't I do it for 10 DAYS? (That is the minimum recommended time for thoroughly cleaning out your system).

Here is a little re-cap of the procedure: 


2 teaspoons SEA SALT in one QUART WARM WATER (that's 4 cups)

(This is done to flush your system. It is said that when you are at sea, drinking sea water will only dehydrate you. This is because salt water is expelled from your body. After doing this, you will pass all the salt water out of your body...within an hour or so after you drink ALLOW SEVERAL HOURS at home after drinking this! It is a messy process...)

6-12 servings of "SPICY LEMONADE" throughout the day (as you are hungry)

As much water as you want in between your servings of lemonade

"Spicy Lemonade" RECIPE

2 tablespoons LEMON JUICE (freshly squeezed)

2 tablespoons (or less) GRADE B MAPLE SYRUP

1/10 teaspoon (or more) CAYENNE PEPPER

8 ounces (1 cup) MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER 

DIRECTIONS: Mix together! Drink asap!


You will need to take a pre-mix of your "lemonade" with you where you go, so you can drink it throughout the day. 

I make 2 servings of just the lemon juice and maple (4 tablespoons each) and put it in a 16 ounce water bottle. I bring some cayenne with me and two extra water bottles: one to drink in between, and one to add to my lemon mixture! 

APPARENTLY, the lemon starts losing its enzymes after it is juiced, so the sooner you drink it, the better! 

Adding the water and cayenne RIGHT BEFORE you drink it is recommended. 1) So you don't dilute the lemon and lose the more enzymes. 2) So it's not insanely SPICY!

All ingredients must be organic (although I admit that my cayenne is not). You can also use LIMES (AS YOU SEE IN THE PICTURE). 

In the evenings, you drink a laxative tea (I chose "SMOOTH MOVE" herbal tea) to keep everything...well, you know...going down in the morning. ;)

A little note: The point of this is NOT to LOSE WEIGHT.

You WILL gain most of it back unless you start eating insanely healthy afterwards, and even if you DO, you will still gain a lot of it back.

I know this because my uncle has done it twice before. He started eating mostly vegan and raw after the first time, and kept off most of the weight he lost. Now, as he is doing this a third time, it is much easier for him.

The PURPOSE of this is simply to CLEAN OUT YOUR SYSTEM. After all, how good does your plumbing work after years of use? After a while, pipes must be cleaned and rid of excess build up in order to function properly and at their best.

On days 11-13, you must phase back into food slowly. 

DAY 11: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice throughout the day (it is recommended to drink at least several 8oz glasses)

DAY 12: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice throughout the day. Sometime before dinner, make a homemade vegan vegetable soup and drink the broth and some of the vegetables as your last meal of the day.

DAY 13: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning. Have the soup from yesterday at lunch. Eat anything you desire in the way of salads, fruits, and vegetables at night (but make sure anything you put in your salad is still vegan).

DAY 14: CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed the MASTER CLEANSE and can now resume regular healthy eating! 

So, I'm off to "cleanse my pipes." DAY 3 approaches...

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