Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Somebody Say: Cha-Cha-Cha Chia!

Who doesn’t remember those Chia Pet commercials? We’ve all seem them…CHA-CHA-CHA-CHIA!

Well, guess what? Yes, that’s right! You can EAT the seeds! Weird, huh? And they look a little something like this:

Now, realistically, there are some important questions that arise when considering the Chia seed.

1. Why should I eat Chia seed?

Because I said so.

2. Where can I buy Chia seed?

At the store.

3. What makes you think you can tell me what to eat?

Because I’m the one blogging.

Okay, seriously. Let’s answer the questions for real.

It all started about 2 weeks ago…

(Well, actually, it all started with the Aztecs and Mayans, who used Chia as a staple food, but this isn’t a history lesson…)

…when one of my best friends, (you know who you are, Debbie) bought me a bag of Chia seed.

We had heard about Chia seed just a day prior to that, and Debbie went out and bought bags of Chia seed for everyone who she thought might be interested in trying it. So sweet….huh??

Okay, well, enough about this story. You are DYING to know why you should eat this stuff and if it is worth spending your hard-earned money on.

So, here’s the low-down:

Why You Should Eat

·         Sustains energy levels
·         Keeps the body hydrated
·         Easily digestible
·         Valuable source of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) an Omega-3 essential fatty acid (equal or  higher than flax seed!)
·         Higher in antioxidant activity than blueberries
·         Excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and iron
·         High in fiber and protein

Where to Buy

·         Local health-food store

How to Use

·         Sprinkle on cold cereal or oatmeal
·         Mix into yogurt
·         Incorporate into baked goods
·         Add to water bottle

So, what are you waiting for?! Go buy some and see for yourself! And don’t worry; you won’t turn into a Chia Pet! J


Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Sus! I can attest to the energy levels. As we're driving across the country, I just pop a handful into my mouth whenever I feel a little sluggish, and it perks me right up for hours. But my hair seems to be turning green... ;)

Susie said...

Wow Debbie, that's incredible!

And you just gave me an idea!

Did I hear someone say, "Earthquake supply?!"

For those of us still in California, of course. :)