Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Five Keys to a Successful and Healthy Dinner

What makes a successful dinner? Fancy ingredients? Complicated recipes? Not at all!

From my experience, fancy ingredients and complicated recipes usually ensure an unsuccessful dinner.

Follow these five easy guidelines and be prepared to enjoy a DELICOUS and RELAXING dinner!

1. De-stress: De-stress or you will be in di-stress. If you stress, you won’t enjoy your meal, and neither will anyone else. I hate to say it, but it’s the sad truth. J

2. Balance: Aim for a focus on vegetables and lean protein, complimented by grains. Try not to make more than one dish in the same food group in the same meal, such as serving potatoes with pasta.

3. Creativity: Switch up the vegetables, grains, and proteins you eat each week and prepare them in different ways.  Try grilling, sautéing, steaming, baking, or broiling on different nights each week. And don’t be afraid to experiment with herbs and spices!

4. Color: Use a variety of colors when it comes to vegetables. Not only will this ensure that you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need, but your plate will look prettier.  

5. Simplicity: Stick to a few ingredients per dish. The simpler, the better! Buy what you need for your next few meals to prepare for the week and then relax…

See, that’s not so hard. J Now get cooking! 

(And yes, the picture above is what I ate for dinner tonight. Bean and vegetable soup with an avocado and garbanzo bean salad: compliments to my mom.)

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