Monday, December 27, 2010

Hot Chocolate that Offers More than Warmth and Comfort

What could be more warm and comforting than hot chocolate on a cold and rainy day?

Don’t answer…that’s a rhetorical question. J

But seriously, there’s nothing like a warm cup of this stuff…

How do you like yours? Made with whole milk? And a couple marshmallows on top?

Those days are over!

“But, why?” you may be wondering.

Because, there is a new guy in town, and his name is Mr. Frother.

What, exactly, is a frother?

Well, it’s this amazing device, invented by some genius who wanted to make coffee or hot chocolate just a little bit more rich and fancy.

Actually, I just made that part up.

But, it IS an AMAZING tool that I HIGHLY recommend for making the perfect hot chocolate.

Not only will it MIX the chocolate perfectly into your milk, but it will also make your drink light, airy, and fluffy---mimicking the effect of marshmallows!

And, what’s more, it makes a fabulous hot chocolate made with soy milk and dark chocolate! (RECIPE BELOW)

What price must you pay for such a device? No more than $10.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a piece of chocolate, some milk (preferably non-diary), and get whipping!

Dark Hot-Chocolate with Soy Milk

1 cup plain soy milk

2-4 squares of a dark chocolate bar (depending on size)

Place the dark chocolate squares in the bottom of a coffee mug and then poor in the soy milk.

Microwave for 1 ½ to 2 minutes, or until hot.

Use a frother to whip the soy milk and chocolate together until the froth reaches the top of the mug.

Enjoy slowly---preferably by a roaring fire. J

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