Thursday, December 16, 2010

Almond Butter---Salvation for Folks with Peanut Allergies! (AND the rest of us...)

Yes, I really did just say folks. But that's not what we're talking about here. So let's move on...

Goodness in a jar. Richness and satisfaction like you’ve never experienced before.

“Is this almond butter that you’re speaking about?” you may be wondering.

You wish! But it does come pretty close to the above description. Which is why it is worth noting…on your grocery list.

I have always (well, as long as I’ve known about it) LOVED almond butter. But this rich and versatile spread has taken on new meaning for me in recent times.

You see, my good friend (yes, I’m talking about you, Ally J) is allergic to peanuts, and therefore cannot partake of one of my all-time favorite staples in life: peanut butter.

But, thanks to the genus who invented almond butter, there is an amazing peanut butter substitute! And it is equally as good, if not better than peanut butter, if I don’t say so myself!

A word of caution, however: Almond butter is not cheap. And that’s not surprising, considering that most health-food items run on the expensive side. HOWEVER, there is a store that sells almond butter for a reasonable price. You guessed it! Trader Joe’s.

Trader Joe’s sells a Raw Almond Butter and a Roasted Almond Butter. I suggest keeping the roasted almond butter on hand for day-to-day uses because it has a richer flavor than the raw almond butter. Save the raw almond butter for when you plan on incorporating it into a recipe.

Once you have your hands on a jar of this good stuff, here are some ideas to make almond butter a part of your regular diet:

·         Make an almond butter and jelly (or honey) sandwich   

·         Spread on a banana (or, even better: spread on Ezekiel bread with sliced bananas!)

·         Slather on celery sticks and sprinkle with cranberries

·         Use as a dip for apple slices

·         Enjoy with a piece of chocolate or add to chocolate recipes

·         Substitute in for peanut butter when making cookies, muffins, and cakes

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